State Advocacy Training Series

Building the experience to become an effective advocate can take years of trial and error. The result: our organizations are losing winnable advocacy campaigns as we learn the requisite skills, knowledge, and tools to succeed.

The State Advocacy Training Series equips you with the skills, tools, and knowledge to effectively advance your policy priorities by the first day of the legislative session, with only 24 hours of training.

  • Skill Development: Through presentations, small group practice, and individual coaching, we help you build the essential skills to succeed, helping you break through the gatekeeping culture of the capital and establish a seat at the table.
  • Advocacy Campaign Planning: Throughout the training series, you will apply the skills, tools, and knowledge of the course to your organization’s upcoming policy campaign, helping you to embody the learnings while also preparing your organization for the upcoming session.
  • Ongoing Support: We ensure that the lessons of the training series are fully implemented in the upcoming legislative session by providing access to optional weekly coaching and peer learning sessions, increasing real-time support exactly when you need it. 


  • Weekly three-hour training session over the course of two months.
  • 15 person cohort.


  • $2,500 per participant (apply before May 15th)
  • $3,000 per participants (apply before June 15th)


If you don't report being prepared to succeed for the upcoming session by the end of the training, we'll work with you one-on-one (for free), and pay your organization for the cost of their time, until you are.

State Advocacy Training Series (In-Person)

  • No dates in your state, or dates don't work for you? Is there a wait list?

    Interest Form
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    "I cannot overstate how valuable the Advocacy Training Series was for me. It provided me with a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge to lead policy campaigns for my organization. The training was structured in such a way that it covered all the essential aspects of advocacy, including policy analysis, stakeholder engagement, coalition building, and effective communication."

    Khatira Amn

    Senior Policy Advocate

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    “As a new organizer working in the immigrant rights movement, the Advocacy Training Series allowed me to view my role in a larger context that extends into the dynamics of the legislature. I now recognize the ways in which we organize legislators and secure votes is a core element towards successfully changing the political landscape from one that gatekeeps policy work to one that is rooted in community.”

    Keilly Leon

    Regional Organizer

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    "The Advocacy Training Series is essential for anyone wanting to understand the state policy landscape. Advocacy Rising creates a welcoming, informative, and focused environment to equip & empower passionate people with the tools they need to navigate the legislative process. It truly makes the cryptic, inaccessible elements of advocacy approachable."

    Joe Antus

    Executive Director

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    “The Advocacy Rising training series reinforced my advocacy skills with a technical understanding of power analysis and strategic action; critical knowledge that I used in real-time to inform my leadership in coalition building and legislative advocacy. This training serves to reshape the power of advocates to believe in their influence and own their impact.”

    Brace Gibson

    Director of Policy and Engagement

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    “The Advocacy Rising training helped me hone my skills in strategizing campaigns and mapping out key decision makers. I feel much more confident moving forward in my ability to design a campaign plan and organize a coalition of allies to get a bill passed into law. Kyle is an engaging and deeply knowledgeable trainer, and I learned a ton from him alongside other progressive grassroots leaders in Colorado!”

    Alex Georgiadis 

    Policy Analyst

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    “With an incredible grasp for the nuances of Colorado politics combined with clear explanations of the systems at play, the Advocacy Training Series greatly enhanced my understanding of the lawmaking process and related strategy for advancing policy shifts at the state capital. The training was hands-on, collaborative, and centered the importance of diversity in the policy space to advance systemic change.”

    Laura Lunn

    Director of Advocacy

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